Registrations for burger week 2023 are closed

Want to register as a competitor for Margarita Festival or Bacon & Barrel?

ADVERTISING AGREEMENT CONDITIONS This agreement for Event Sponsorship constitutes a contract between Events Hatched and the advertiser and/or his advertising agency (herein called “Customer”). Both parties hereby agree that this contract shall be governed by the following conditions: 1. All sponsorship orders are accepted subject to the terms, provisions, and rates of the proposal indicated on this contract. This agreement contains the entire agreement and supercedes any prior written or oral agreements. 2. The Customer agrees to pay for all sponsorship activated by Events Hatched in accordance with this contract. Customer shall make such payment to Events Hatched, Inc either Net 30 or before the event occurs, whichever is sooner. 3. The Customer must hold general liability insurance with single limits of $500,000 and list as additionally insured: Events Hatched, Inc 1726 Carriage Court Brentwood, TN 37027 4. All events are “rain or shine” unless otherwise stipulated. If the event is rescheduled due to factors out of our control, i.e. dangerous weather conditions or government mandates, the event organizers will include the Customer in the make up date at no additional charge. If the event is cancelled due to factors out of our control, the Customer is still responsible for paying all costs previously agreed upon, however the event organizers will work with Customer to find a mutually agreeable solution. 5. Customer represents that any consents required by applicable law for copy , photographs, representations, marks, symbols or illustrations used in advertisements have been obtained prior to submission to Events Hatched 6. Customer understands that work and promotion is being done on their behalf immediately upon contract signing. In the event that a client needs to cancel their participation in the event after signing, the following penalties will be incurred: <60 days prior to event: 100% cancellation fee 60-90 days prior to event: 50% cancellation fee 90+ days prior to event: no cancellation fee/full refund 7. HOLD HARMLESS: I agree to indemnify, defend and hold Events Hatched, Inc, it’s employees, owners, and contractors harmless from and against any and all claims for damages, injuries, losses, liabilities and expenses relating to, resulting from or arising out of my participation in the project. This Agreement shall encompass claims resulting from providing goods and services for the Event(s). I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that I or my staff may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending the event and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to myself, illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I or my associates may experience or incur in connection with my attendance at this event. I intend that this Waiver and Release of Liability shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.